
Community Intertidal Data Portal
Tidal Bay Consulting, Viewshed and Greater Portland Council of Governments
The Community Intertidal Data Portal is a resource that was created to make intertidal data and information more accessible, foster connections between communities with an interest in the intertidal, and promote a more nuanced understanding of issues within the nearshore environment of Casco Bay.
Nature-Based Solutions for Coastal Hazards
National Oceanic Atmospheric Association
The National Oceanic Atmospheric Association (NOAA) has plentiful resources on nature-based solutions, including an online training course to plan and implement green or natural infrastructure projects to reduce coastal natural hazards in their communities.

Climate Ready Coast Project
Southern Maine Planning and Development Commission
Climate Ready Coast - Southern Maine project aims to advance coastal adaptation and resilience planning and action within a ten-municipality region in southern Maine. Climate Ready Casco Bay is using Climate Ready Coast as a guide and adding onto this project.
Coastal Flooding Community Science
Gulf of Maine Research Institute
The coastal flooding community science project provides guidance on how to contribute observations that will help pinpoint high-risk flooding areas in your community. Community members can identify the weather and water level conditions during flooding events, and describe how the flood impacts their community.